When hospitalization may be necessary
When a student has made a suicide attempt or is dealing with compelling impulses or thoughts about self-harm or is out of contact with reality, hospitalization may be necessary. CAPS therapists will evaluate a student’s safety and ability to take care of themselves and decide about hospitalization. In most instances, students will be able to cooperate with the therapist’s assessment and voluntarily agree to enter the hospital. Infrequently, a student is not able to realistically assess their own risk, will be uncooperative, and need to be involuntarily committed to the hospital. Most often, a student in crisis will be encouraged to allow the CAPS therapists to contact their family to inform them of the crisis and coordinate support and treatment. In most cases, students needing hospitalization will be referred to the UNC Neurosciences Hospital (located adjacent to the Campus Health building) where communication with the department of psychiatry can be easily facilitated.
Once a student has been hospitalized
The hospital inpatient treatment team will take over the student’s care and plan for appropriate follow-up care after discharge. CAPS can assist with addressing academic concerns arising from the student’s emotional difficulties.