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Peer Chat


CAPS staff recognize the importance of connecting and engaging with the larger UNC-Chapel Hill community to create a culture of care.

CAPS outreach includes workshops, presentations, and other programming provided on request to student and campus organizations, university classes, and other campus entities.

These initiatives can cover any number of topics, including CAPS services, stress management, anxiety, helping a student of concern, mental health stigma, mental health, and minority populations, and adjustment to the university. 

CAPS provides support to many mental health student organizations (see Students Supporting Students) and assist with their campus programming. In addition, our social media channels at All Healthy Heels Social Media and email newsletter connect students online with holistic health and wellness information, resources, and events. Additional mental health resources are available on the Heels Care Network.

Use the form below to request support for your mental health initiative. We try to accommodate as many requests as possible, but at times, the volume and timing of requests means that CAPS providers are unable to accept every request. Please try to provide advance notice – ideally 2 weeks – and flexibility. Be specific as to what role you hope we can play at the event.

Outreach Request
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