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Peer Chat

Summer Care

UNC-Chapel Hill students may still access CAPS during the summer.

Those students attending a summer school class will pay the health fee in their tuition and fees for that summer session and are eligible for services at CAPS.

In order to be eligible for accessing services at CAPS during a summer session when you are not enrolled in a class, you must:

  • Have paid a health fee in the 2024 spring semester (a part of tuition/fees), AND
  • Did not graduate in May 2024, AND
  • Pay the Summer Access Charge

The Summer Access Charge applies to both onsite and virtual visits in CAPS. The Access Charge may be placed on student accounts (paid by calling patient accounts at 919-966-6588 or may be paid at the time of service at patient accounts on the 2nd floor of Campus Health (the same building as CAPS) in Admin East for those receiving onsite care.

Rates for summer session time frames are as follows:

  • Summer I:  $50.00
  • Summer II: $50.00


  • Those who only access CAPS groups do not need to pay the Summer Access Charge.
  • Students who graduate in May may access services at Campus Health and CAPS for 30 days following graduation without paying the Summer Access Charge. Spring graduates are not eligible to pay the Summer Access Charge and continue care.
  • You may use the Campus Health Pharmacy, Student Stores Pharmacy and the International Travel Clinic during the summer session without paying the summer access charge.
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