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Final Exam Excuse Request

We know that medical or mental health illnesses may arise during finals. Students who have a medical or mental health illness during the final exam period that significantly impairs one’s ability to prepare for or take a final exam may participate in the process outlined below for assistance. 

Process for Navigating Illness during Final Exams

Student tasks for the process are in bold.

Consult with a provider on the day of or prior to your exam – this process cannot be done retroactively. 

  • A Campus Health or CAPS provider will authorize the “Official Permit” if it is determined that the student’s ability to prepare for or take the final exam was significantly impaired by a medical or mental health illness. 
  • If you visit provider outside of Campus Health or CAPS, you must transmit documentation of the medical/mental health visit to Health Information at [email protected] or by fax 919-966-0616. Include specific dates and times of requested excused exams. This will go to a Campus Health provider for review and authorization and will be documented in our system.

Your name, PID, date of exam, time of exam, and name of authorizing Campus Health or CAPS provider is placed on the “Excused Examination List” which is shared daily with the University Registrar and Academic Advising office. The student (or their designee) should receive an email from the Registrar to their UNC email account with an attached “Permit to Take a Final Examination” within 24 hours. If that email is not received, contact [email protected]

After your clinic visit & while awaiting the receipt of your permit, please e-mail your instructor(s) to notify them that you have been placed on the Campus Health Excused Examination List.

After a student receives the electronic permit, the student must: email instructor(s) about the final exam excused absence, include the electronic permit, and determine alternative final exam options.

For more information about Academic Advising Program Final Examination Excuses, go to

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